Saturday, December 22, 2018

Separation Clause

  Speaking of separation ; during the holidays we recognize Santa Clause otherwise known as St Nick. Could it be that Christmas was actually founded because of separation? I read a story about how the original St. Nick losted his parents? Maybe it's possible that we would have never recognized Santa Clause if St. Nick didn't lose his parents.

  What if the news god wanted to create a new holiday in place of Christmas. Therefore, they needed to separate families so that the young can depend on who ever the news god and her cohorts promote.  How hard could it be to imagine that the news gods boss wanted separation of families so the next generation would worship a male whose a woio associate like the past generations respect Santa. Was the reason I was ostracized because the news god and her cohorts wanted to make a new holiday?  How far fetched could it be that the news god and her cohorts separate friends and family all the time? Maybe 19 and 3 are an organization of broken families hence why they wanted me ostracized.

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