Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Planned Lynna

  Lena Wen  is the new president of planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is known for helping kill black babies. Actually babies in general. Lynna Lai is a news anchor and we have given her the name  "the news god".  god, as in someone who has the authority to take someone's life. Could Planned Parenthood have gotten the idea of naming the new president Leana after the news god?  What does this have to do with me being ostracized?
  Could it be the same people that had me ostracized want to hire the new president and name her Lena/Lynna? What's the likelyhood that Lynna the news god had a hand in hiring the new Planned  Parenthood?  Maybe those who had me ostracized got the idea of hiring someone named after the news god from an article in closed blog lynnaluvers.  There was a time in lynnaluvers where I suggested that the news god was going to have me killed. How far fetched is it to believe that planned parenthood wanted to turn an idea into a reality?

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