Thursday, September 14, 2017

Chemical Questions

  Last article I questioned why the god anchor took pics of Salamone and Adkins. This time I'll ask the same question but invoke a different answer.  In the last article I mentioned that the god anchor was being bullied or was bullying. Yet could it be that the god anchor is bullied by a chemical substance. Could it be that she took the pics because she was bullied by a chemical?

Recently I read a title of a magazine that suggested Matt Lauer was using cocaine. Could it be that the god anchor used cocaine hence why she took pics of the producers. Does cocaine make you want to take pics? Is this why the god anchor and wkyc are such cheerleaders for local pd because of the news circles involvement with cocaine? Speaking of cocaine there was a guy that got busted for drugs with the same first and last name as Adkins the producer. Could there be any connection?

  Could this be why I was ostracized because everyone was on cocaine? Could it be that my living in neo hendered the god anchors high? Is this why the local pd in cork City and mt redgrass pinched my penis and sodomized me because I'm screwing with someone's high at wkyc with out knowing it? Whose high am I screwing with? Is this why the god promoted medical marijuana; so that she wouldn't feel bad about getting high? Is my ostracizing the results of people getting high on cocaine? Could it be that 19 let the god anchor go because she stopped doing cocaine or was she too much into it? Of course the answer is somewhere and I'm betting it involves drugs.