Thursday, January 16, 2025

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


   I always felt this way but after watching the Ohio Governors speech I totally sense that John Kasich is running for Presidency and since he is he had to get rid of me. What if that's it, maybe it wasn't Lynna Lai's hand or maybe it was maybe Lynna Lai had some of her Chinese comrads appeal to Kasich financially like they did Obama under the agreement that they would get rid of the kid. Maybe this is Lynna Lai's version of being graceful and getting me out of Ohio before they have me killed.

      I don't think my blog was that offensive but maybe it was just the fact that I had blogged about Mrs. Lai and therefore I had to vacate the premesis. You have to think that Lynna Lai would have more bigger fish to get rid off than me  I mean theres hundreds of missing kids and sex offenders out there if she was a true feminist you would think she would be focused on them first. Understandably I have to assume that the great one is more concerend about her self than the safety of NEO'S public. Don't get me wrong everything that has happened to me and that is going to happen is worth watching Lynna Lai over but I think since Ive been watching Lynna Lai the questions continue to mount. I guess the spirit of the Journalist has found a home.

    There is no way to really find the answer to these questions. That's another reason why my death is so important because the questions keep mounting and some of the questions are speculations and like I always said Lynna Lai is a god. There's a unwritten rule that one can't speculate about a god especially if you're not one. The more I continue to speculate the more uncomfortable Ohio's current governor feels along with Duffy and Lynna Lai's husband. There was a newscast where Duffy said he was an Ohio Alum also there was a newscast where Lynna Lai mentioned her husband was an Alum which might be another reason why the great anchor has pulled the plug on my habitat. I guess one can't blog about a god who has a husband or co-anchor who went to Ohio state. Maybe Lynna Lai told Duffy to talk to the governor about ostracizing me and that's how this all started.

  Once again was I suppose to stop saying that Lynna Lai was better than her competitors just because she's co-anchored with someone from Ohio State? Are we suppose to stop what we're born to do because the threat of a bully or government official.  didn't start to begin with suggesting that Lynna Lai was going to have us killed until after she was on WKYC. Maybe that's what they needed to have me put to the curb.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


  What is Lynnamentals? Lynnamentals was created after lynnluvers was shut down. It was created because lynnluvers created a mental manipulation, if not for the readers for me. It created a mind set that the news God was going to kill us. Although this might not be so, some would think that it would be considered mental, hence the word Lynnamentals.  Now not only has the news gods energy created lynnluvers to a Lynnamentals I  suspect thatsthat created more Lynnamentals since this plague.  I'm also betting  that because of this plague more media mentals have been created which is a lynnamental.

   Therefore, ive come to the conclusion that the world has gone lynnamenral since the covid. Was this a experiment to make sure the world goes Lynnamental? Was the world Lynnamental before covid? Can the world or even the U.S go back to normal from being a Lynnamental? Can person ever go back to normal after it's been hunkered down and do those in control want society to go back to normal. I'm suspecting what ever the experiment it's going to have a boomerang effect.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Pandemic 2020

  What if the person or the conspiracy that started the pandemic read my blog? What if they read lynnaluvers and thought they need to make more people news fans and the pandemic was the way to create the fans. Could it be that the conspiracy read lynnaluvers and then created this plague?

  Is it too hard to fathom that the conspiracy has a deep connection with the media? Could it be the conspiracy is the media? If the Conspiracy is the media doesn't that mean that the conspiracy is the news god? In the past I asked could the news god have kicked me out of ohlaio. Today I wonder could the news god have orchestrated this pandemic? What if it's someone that doesn't like the news god that created this pandemic?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Question the COVid19

  Is this a way for people to watch more news? A people to watch more news god? Before the Corona Virus how bad was the news gods ratings, was her morning weekday ratings worse? If her ratings in the mornings on the weekends were worse why was she the only one booted to the weekends?

  What if whoever is in charge of the news god being booted to the weekends are the same ones creating this Corona virus panic.  If they hate the blogger so much that they'll ostracize me , what's the likely hood they'll create a virus to put on the news gods race or nationality?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sacrificial Post 2020

Recently, three people died. Two was Kobe and his daughter the other was a little boy found in the chimney in a vacant home in Ohlaio!  What if the three people who'd died recently was really killed for sacrificial reasons? What if the news god had me kicked out of my environment for sacrificial reasons? What reasons would the news god have me out of my environment?

   It's been said that for some belief systems innocent blood has to be shed for a prayer to be answered. How long has the news god been praying/hoping I leave ohlaio? Is the reason I was in ohlaio for so long because no innocent blood was spilled in a prayer against me?:What if the news god has been praying for my death or someone that dislikes her and my ostracizing is part of my death? Why would the news god want me dead, is it because of lynnaluvers, could it be because she was fired from 19? Could it be bad luck for a black to blog about the news god? Could this be why I'm wanted dead, because the news god views black males as bad luck?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

1800s MLK

  Today, Jan 14th 2020 the news god reported about how a kids body was found. During the report the news god talked about how a family owned a house since the 1800s. Question,  was this a sneak snipe seeing that blacks couldnt own houses in the 1800s in America. Was this report to show  that whites have owned land longer than blacks (me) and the whites land still look better.

 Could this be why the news god probably had a hand in me getting kicked out of my home to pledge allegiance to the ones who owned land longer. What if this was all planned out for the 14th of Jan two weeks ago. What's so special about the 14th of jan?  Jan 14th is a day before mlks birthday.  Whats the likely hood that the 1800s comment is said a day before mlks bday. Mlk being a guy that tried to help blacks get in homes. Maybe I'm reading too much into this.